*******************************A Wife, Daughter, Sister, Sister~In~Law, Aunt, Cousin, and Friend . . . Please join me on the Back Porch where we will enjoy refreshments and conversation. Bring your coffee cup!
We began our journey to Grand Rapids, Michigan on a clear, windy day, stopping for a quick, hot breakfast atMcDonald's! After driving several miles, we enjoyed box lunches purchased atHyVee(the local grocery business who sponsored the Honor Flight) on a picnic table at the Interstate Rest Area! While driving through road construction near the Chicago area, at least two cars swerved into our lane . . . yet, we traveled without incident. We finally purchased a Road Atlas after losing our way on two occasions! Also saw at least 20 Highway Patrol and Sheriff's vehicles, but completed the entire trip without receiving a ticket! During our adventure, we toured Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park as well as the Gerald Ford Museum. Grand Rapids is a beautiful city! If you ever have an opportunity, drive through the small town of Mt. Carroll, Illinois. Their Historical Society researched records and posted signs in front of several beautiful, old homes. We traveled across Lake Michigan on the Lake Express! See the photo of the Milwaukee Clipper and Lake Express, side-by-side! The most memorable part of our trip, however, was visiting with the World War II Veterans and families. While sitting in the Hospitality Room, discussions ensued regarding War times and current events. This year, the Veterans honored a Silver Star recipient by presenting him with a tie.
To the Veterans of the 534th EBSR~WE THANK YOU AND SALUTE YOU!
A member of the 534th, Peter M. Wilson, formerly of Nantucket, died in Robersonville, North Carolina, on 14 April 2013.