What a fun way to spend a weekend day! Hey, that rhymes! Sherry and I met Carla at her home in Iowa City mid-day on Saturday, October 24, 2009. Our next stop? The historical village of Kalona, Iowa, home of the largest Amish settlement west of the Mississippi. The Iowa Mennonite School is located just a few miles to the northwest. We enjoyed a scrumptious lunch at Tuscan Moon and strolled through several antique stores. The ladies manning the register at the old hardware store chatted for a spell and made us feel welcome in the community! Our visit to Stringtown Grocery led to the purchase of Chocolate Raspberry Mocha and a dry potato soup mix which will, most likely, come in handy on a cold, winter day this season! Despite the high gasoline prices, Carla drove around the country roads in order to catch a glimpse of Amish life during the peak of Autumn. Out of sensitivity and respect for Amish beliefs, I did not attempt to photograph individuals; however, I will hold onto the memory of the mother and daughters raking leaves in front of their farm home, the horse-drawn buggy carrying a father and son, and the wife hanging a multitude of dresses, shirts, and pants on the clothesline to dry in the strong country breeze. It was an amazing day!